How to conclude successful contracts in Dune Spice Wars

In Dune: Spice Wars, players will be able to sign various agreements with all other factions ruling Arrakis. You can trade agreements, as well as impose them with sufficient influence. Players will find three different types of contracts: trade , explore and an agreement on open borders . However, one of their proposals is not enough for the leaders of other factions to adopt a deal.

In order to successfully conclude an agreement in Dune: Spice Wars, players need to add an incentive in addition to an agreement on obtaining trade accepted . For example, if you offer a research agreement to any of the houses, do not forget to add any of the six other resources to increase the trade counter to yellow color. The image below shows a good example of how players can get a deal, slightly increasing the offer with other important resources.

The successful conclusion of contracts with warring factions will lead to a decrease in the authority of your home by -1, but will also increase the level of relations with the opposing faction. The counter of the trading agreement becomes red, showing how unlikely it is that the transaction will be adopted, and rises to the yellow, showing the chances of accepting the transaction. Six resources necessary for trade: spices , Solari , Placrite , intel , influence and agents .

DUNE: SPICE WARS | Beginner's Guide - Essential Tips for Dune Spice Wars

After unlocking military threat development, your fraction will be able to add military pressure under a trading agreement. This function uses threats to extort resources in warring fractions due to the level of relations. Military pressure is valid for two months, like other contracts, but any hostile actions against the opposing fraction will inevitably break military pressure.

Do you want to know if Dune: Spice Wars novels or the film? Check out Dune: SPICE WARS Should I book or the movie? in professional guidelines for the game.


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