Update in Sudden Attack 'Select Select Respon Team Deathmatch'

Nexon Co., Ltd. (CEO Lee Jung-heon) updated the new mode 'Sudden Attack' on the online FPS game 'Sudden Attack' on the 21st.

This mode can be played on the bombing mission map, Provence, and supports up to 8VS8. Unlike the existing Team Deathmatch, it is characterized by the fact that you can choose the response location directly when you die, and communication with your team and strategic judgment are more important. If you die, you will be outputting a response pop-up that can select the next response location, and you can select the zone button or enter the number key.

In addition, the balance of the popular map 'Cross Counter' was adjusted to reflect the user feedback. It has been adjusted to enjoy more fair games by adding new objects to the front yard and removing some objects.

He also added the Sudden Pass expansion Royal Pass. By September 1, you can get a character customized item with 'C.NYX character set (permanent)' that can be customized by holding the Royal Pass and raising the level of the Sudden Pass. In addition, it will launch the Bike Skin Weapon and hold a related event. By August 4th, if you collect the 'bike' weapon acquisition period with a cumulative 300 days, 'Bike Weapon Permanent Selection Right' is collected for 600 days. 2,000SP '

Nexon will hold various events to celebrate the update. First, by August 4th, 'Provence-Team Deathmatch' and 'Cross Counter' achieved missions such as play, victory, and enemy treatment, and 'permanent seal' and 'fixed-term immediate risk phone (7 days 7 days ) '

40 In the same period, there will also be a Hot Summer Bingo Event where users can choose their own rewards. Bingo consists of three stages, and if you complete the missions such as game access, play, victory, and kill, you can use the 'Bingo Ticket' to complete the 'AK47 (IS) Summer (15th)' and 'Peach Crush Set (15) Sun) ' If you achieve the bingo up to three stages, you will experience 300,000 experience and 'Permanent System Peal' and 'TRG21 COOL'.

More information about the new mode 'Sudden Attack', 'Select Respon Team Deathmatch', can be found on the official website.


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