TV Großwallstadt takes up Ukrainian national team

The connection came through Slava Lochmann, between 2004 and 2007 at the former first division from Großwallstadt under contract. Today's National Trainer of Ukraine had fled his family from his hometown of Kyiv a few days ago and came to Großwallstadt. Possible the contacts that he still had from his time as an active handball player at the TVG.

Lochmann sought in the consequence that his national players who are under contract in Ukrainian clubs are also allowed to enter Germany. And indeed, the Ministry of Sports of Ukraine gave the green light to prevent the national team a training camp in Germany.

In the implementation, many volunteer helpers were involved, which drove with minibuses to Budapest to pick up the players and their wives including children. Meanwhile, the journey to Budapest was organized by helpers of the Hungarian top club KC Veszprem. Currently the actors live in the sports hotel in Großwallstadt and train in the Handball Performance Center. The wives and children were housed in the area.

World of football comes together to protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Managing Director Sparrow takes up captain for a short time

Ex-professional Michael Spatz, today Managing Director of the TVG, had briefly recorded the captain of the Ukrainian national team Ievgen Zhuk, fled from Russia. "There you can see that the sport is connecting and you help with each other," says Sparrow: "Old contacts are linked, everyone carries his part within the handball family. We will definitely support Slava in Germany can continue his business in handball. First of all, we will integrate it into our Easter handball camp, which is planned for the 19th to 22 April 2022 in the HBLZ. "

The Ukrainian Sports Minister has approved the training camp in the meantime for 12 days and expanded the stay on 20 days. As it continues for the team, it is still unclear. The "mission" of the Ukrainian was, "to show the world that we are giving us" and "advertising for the Ukrainian handball".


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