Teaser de League of Legends gives tracks about a new champion

Riot Games launched a new advance this week to insinuate the next game champion now that Zeri arrived at La Crack. The latter advancement was presented in the form of a website created to make fun of a company called Glasc Industries, a company based in Zaun that manufactures several chemical technology products. Some information was also shared about the founder of Glasc Industries and, according to the mockery and what we have seen in previous progress of champions, it seems that the next champion will be Renata Glasc, the director of Glasc Industries.

The Teaser site can be seen here for those who have not yet checked. They introduced us to Renata for the first time through the "Our Founder" section, which shares information about the founder of the company based in Zaun.

«From Humbled Origins in Zaun's sink, the founder of Glasc Industries, Renata Glasc, was inspired by the alchemical practice of her family to improve life in Zaun and in Filtover, she reads on the site. "During the last 30 years, the visionary work of it has touched civil development, technology and philanthropy, collaborating with citizens and chemical barons to keep the streets safe.

"Currently, she heads GLASC industries in her next goal: redefining beauty through cutting-edge technology. For those who seek a better future, Renata Glasc encompasses everyone ".

In general, GLASC Industries says that its goal is to "make chemical technology affordable, beautiful and accessible to all." She does it through the creation of Chemtech products such as fragrances, self-defense solutions and more "elegant and affordable Chemtech solutions for any lifestyle".

While this is the first time we learn more about the champion itself, it is not the first time we heard about the champion in general. That happened at the beginning of the year when the preview of the champion of 2022 looks up. The first new champion mentioned included talks about a support that was a much darker nature compared to many of the other enchanter champions who play the same role.

"There are many cheerful, colorful and well-lined champions there and we feel that support players deserved something more sinister and dark to balance that cheerful brightness on paper," said Champions Principal Ryan "Reav3"! of champions in the video above. "We also wanted to create a champion whose theme and equipment would make support players feel like the heads they are."

Renata Glasc: The Chem-Baroness | Champion Trailer - League of Legends

Naturally, some clues were given about what this champion could do, but as is the case with any progress, we will not know with certainty what this champion is about, and how they look at him, until they get his maximum. to reveal.


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